Time & Talent

Explanation of Committees and Teams and Their Respective Duties

Committees and Responsibilities:

Building and Grounds: Maintenance of the building and the surrounding property, including hiring contractors, planning projects, maintenance, managing utilities, and responding to emergencies on the property.

Communications: Internal to and external communications, including the web site, marketing, signage, and more.

Fellowship: Hosting fun events for our church community, as well as funerals at the church.

Finance: Caring for the financial health of the church by monitoring the cash flow of church accounts, reviewing and advising the church’s budget, and assessing large expenditures.

Outreach: Maintaining and developing service opportunities and ministries outside of the church, including Elmcrest Elementary School,
Shared Harvest, and the Food Bank.

Personnel: Reviewing and advising the council regarding new employee hires and personnel issues.

Stewardship: Encouraging, developing, and expressing appreciation for congregants’ gifts of time, talent, and treasure for the sake of the church and community.

Worship: Planning and developing the music and flow of the worship service, as well as guiding the various support teams and volunteers for the service.

Teams and Service Volunteers:

Altar Guild: Dressing the altar, preparing communion, and cleaning the communion items as needed after the service.

Usher: Collecting the communion offerings, guiding people to the alter for communion, and other duties as required.

Greeter: Meeting attendees at the Narthex door, distributing the bulletin, orienting guests to the service.

Acolyte: Lighting the candles at the beginning of the service, assisting with communion, and extinguishing the altar candles at the end of the service.

Cantor: Singing or chanting the Psalms and other liturgical elements of the service. Scripture Reader: Reading of the first and second readings during the service.

Assistant Minister: Leading the congregation in prayer and serving communion. This role can be performed by any adult member of the congregation.

Fellowship Host: Providing goodies and beverages after the service. The sign-up sheet is found in the Narthex.

Tech Support: Providing back up support for the Tech position during his/her absences, running the sound system and the video camera.

Offering Counter: Counting the offering and preparing the offering report and bank deposit after the service.

Shared Harvest: Collecting, packing, and distributing food items donated by our congregation in cooperation with other Lutheran churches in the area.

Food Bank: Collecting, packaging, and distributing of food in cooperation with the Food Bank of Northern Nevada at Faith Lutheran Church.



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Time & Talent Sheet