Friends in Christ, Peace to you as we journey into winter, the end of the calendar year, and the holidays (“Holy-Days!”). We are together, we are weathering the storms, we are grateful––in the face of hard-ship and need––that God is always giving enough, through the shared work of one another. It feels more possible, as tough as it was last year, to bring our focus back to practices of thanksgiving and gratitude in our lived ministry together. And so we will! This is the time of year to consider God’s gifts and also to covenant to bringing time/talent/treasures to share with the body of Christ at Faith Lutheran. Our stewardship team invites you to a celebratory Gratitude potluck after worship on Sunday, November 21st! And there, we’ll also be invited to participate in a thank offering. Thank offering?? —> This practice follows the heart of ancient Hebrew rituals of bringing of-fering, separate from sacrifices meant to address the problem of guilt and sin. Thank-offerings were, and are, a means of taking concrete action expressing thanks to God for what has been given and provided. And this is the right time to call each other to faithful stewardship of all WE have been given. Between now and the 21st, we will invite you to prayer and partnership in ways that work for you, without guilt and shame, but with open and willing hearts! This month, we remember a common prayer at our offertory, where we give thanks for “What God has first given us—our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of God’s gracious love.” And we invite all members to consider how God might be calling us to respond to God’s generosity. One practical heart-practice is the invitation below: The Stewardship Team invites you to fill out the attached form in a way that fits for you. It’s an indication of support. And it’s not the only possible response to God! Still, it is an important worshipful movement in our lives — pondering and offering first-fruits of what we have been given. And the way we’re doing it is as personal meditation. We will gather these offered slips together on Sunday, Nov. 21st and burn them during a brief rite of liturgy on the church patio. The information you put on the slips will not be seen by any-body; not the pastor, nor the financial committee, nor the stewardship committee. These are personal pledges, and we trust the Holy Spirit to support and guide and move us forward! This is a practice for your covenant of offering with God. Pastor’s note: Our money and our time are sensitive, and our hearts are prone to holding them tight. If you need prayer or care or discernment, we are surely here for you! Let’s sup-port each other on the way that leads to joy and freedom—giving with a cheerful heart! Truly, I am excited to journey with you in life and ministry together. Our stewardship team is excited for the journey too. We hope you’ll prayerfully consider covenanting with Faith Lutheran Church. And all our lives are invited to the blessing! Happy Thanksgiving! Blessed anticipation of Advent! Peace to you!, +Pastor Shaun