The Way: A Catechumenate Process

The Way is an opportunity to explore what it is you believe in. Based on an ancient process of forming people in faith that is finding new life in the 21st century, The Way prepares adults for lives of faithful discipleship. It is a dedicated time for discernment, a chance to hear the Word anew, and examine the teachings of Christ. The Way is a chance to hear the stories of others, to wrestle with questions of faith, and discuss how we are to fulfill the promises made in baptism. The Way is for people new to the faith, returning to the faith, and the curious about faith. It’s a confidential, non-judgmental, intentional gathering to explore the traditions of the Lutheran Church, an identification of what we believe, and why we believe what we believe. Each of us on The Way will be accompanied by a trusted mentor, for small group discussion centered on the Sunday readings, and periodic public rites during worship. The journey on The Way begins on Ash Wednesday and carries us through Lent, as we explore and learn and share together. It is for anyone who wishes their relationship with God to be stronger, is open to all who feel called to hear and believe… and offers a path toward becoming a part of the church for the first time, or an entry point to return to the life of Christian community after a time away, promises deeper involvement with the life and mission of the church, and a closer relationship with God.

The only commitment is to attend the gatherings, and the only outcome is what you choose it to be. Working along The Way is a meaningful process to become confirmed or re-confirmed in faith.