Faith’s Blog
Rite of Ordination
Friends in Christ, It was a great blessing and joy to hold my Rite of Ordination liturgy this past weekend. Many folks from Faith Lutheran, as well as friends from Reno and Texas and many of my close relationships said they tuned in and were encouraged. All your...
Welcome Pastor Shaun and Goodbyes Aren’t Forever
Dear Friends,It has been a wild ride folks. I’m still having difficulty believing that our time serving you as a pastor is all but over. The manner with which it has finished is equally surprising; I would never have guessed that we would not have had some opportunity...
Waiting with Hope
Dear Friends, As one might expect, the main topic around the congregation these days has to do with, “When are we going to worship at the church again?” Here is what is under consideration. We know that the first real opportunity for that will be June 21. Here is why....
May Ponderings
Dear Friends, I just took a look at last month’s column and had to chuckle. We’ve all now been sequestered in our various homes waiting out the effects of the corona virus. When I wrote for the April newsletter I was still a little naive about how I was going to feel...
Marching Around the House
Dear Friends, When I was growing up I used to listen to Big John and Sparky on Saturday mornings. The musical theme for that show was “The Teddy Bears’ Picnic”. I remember hearing an invitation to get up and march around the house while that song was played. I don’t...
Change of Paraments
With the observation of Ash Wednesday on February 26th we have begun the Lenten season. When you come to worship you will undoubtedly notice the changes in the church’s “clothing”. The paraments are now purple and you might notice that the processional cross behind...
February Bits and Pesis’
Those responsible for the care of the chancel in the sanctuary and also for the other paraments we use on Sunday morning have been very busy for the past two months. Unlike the summer months when we go for months and months without much change, during the winter...
Happy New Year
Dear Friends, Happy New Year! Elizabeth and I have realized that we have just spent one full year with you and we want to thank you for the openness, support and affection you have shown us. As we move into this new year the congregation faces several significant...
Season of Advent
This coming Sunday, December 1, the church moves from observing Ordinary Time (the new designation) or Sundays during the season of Pentecost (the old designation), take your pick, to the season of Advent. You’ll notice several differences in the look of the...