February 2019
Dear Friends,
Just a day or two ago Elizabeth and I turned to one another, and nearly simultaneously said to each other, “January is just about gone!” Then I got a look from Cheryl yesterday and was told, “You know, the newsletter is waiting for your contribution.” Time sure does fly for today is the first day of February. So, what’s been going on?
Well, for one thing we have a couple of classes scheduled. One has been on the calendar for a long time; I’m referring to the adult class held after the worship service. We start at about 11:00 a.m. We have been using a DVD resource led by Mark Allan Powell titled, “How Do Lutherans Interpret the Bible?”. These classes are meant to foster and provide room for questions and conversation. We routinely have eight or more gathered around the table but have room for more. If you are curious about what happens there, come by and check it out.
For the last several weeks a class is also held on Wednesday afternoons after school. This is a class for 11 year-olds and above. We’re learning about Bible stories and reading through them. If you have a child in that age range and would like them to experience some Christian education this might be the opportunity you’ve been looking for. These classes are brief, 30-45 minutes, so it won’t take too much time out of the afternoon.
What else? This year we experience a long season Epiphany. Often Ash Wednesday occurs sometime during it. Not this year. Easter comes relatively late, April 21, and the length of Epiphany Season is directly dependant upon the day of Easter. All of the Gospel lessons will be from St. Luke and all of the second lessons will come from a narrow selection of readings from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. That letter to the Corinthians addresses a number of issues that we, too ,wrestle with. Come and find out how those first Christians and we are called respond to God’s gifts through Christ our Lord.
Peace, Stan