
Dear Faith Friends,
It’s been a year! No, seriously, it has been a whole year for us with me serving as your pastor. And this past month I’ve been blessed to reflect on my call that began July 1, 2020 and my ordination that was July 25, 2020. And now this weekend is my installation—a ritual we’ve been waiting to engage in together, when things could be more “in-person.” It’s been a year!
For me, this year has flown by and some things feel like the are just revving up after our “different” kind of programming and worship for most of 2020-2021. And, honestly, I’m still full of celebration and anticipation. Yet because it has already been a year, I’m full of new and deeper thankfulness too. I am thankful God calls us together and equips us for good work, blessing, and mutual building-up! I feel it, I see it, and I trust it.
In that spirit of thankfulness, and in a call back to my ordination last year, I thought I’d share/repeat with you some words of thankfulness I wrote for that occasion, and that has been more encouragement to me on this year anniversary! (This is an abridged version). 🙂
Thanks be to God for calling us and sending us together. And cheers after one year!
+ Pastor Shaun

Welcome Back to in Person Worship

With the re-opening of Faith for in-church worship on March 7, your Church Council, along with the Worship Team and Pastor Shaun, have established a set of guidelines for our re-opening. Our objective is to make our worship as safe and comfortable as possible for everyone. If you don’t feel you are ready to come back to church, our services will still be available via Zoom. Also, there will be no drive-though communion beginning March 7. Below are the guidelines for re-opening the church.
1. Masks shall be worn by everyone. Disposable masks will be made available to all who do not have their own.
2. Hand sanitizer will be available in the narthex and throughout the Sanctuary.
3. Chairs will be separated within the Sanctuary to comply with social distance recommendations.
4. Weather permitting, the rear Sanctuary door, kitchen door and the narthex doors will be kept open to allow fresh air flow during the service. We could also open the door to the Fireside Room and open those windows, allowing for flow of fresh air.
5. Hymnals will not be used. The entire service will be printed in the Worship Folder.
6. Worship folders will be handed out in the narthex by a gloved and masked greeter.
7. During the service, chanting and responsive readings will remain as they are currently. You will be encouraged to hum or quietly sing the hymns.
8. Please do not leave your seat during sharing of the peace. Wave at one another wishing the Peace of the Lord. Avoid shaking hands with your closest neighbor. Perhaps use an elbow bump instead.
9. Offering plates will be set on a table near the entrance to the Sanctuary.
10. Baptismal font will not contain water and will be placed to the side of the sanctuary away from the flow of traffic.
11. Communion: Ushers will direct the congregation to form a line, following social distancing requirements. Pastor Shaun and the worship assistant will stand in front on the chancel to give the bread and wine. Another assistant will have an empty tray in which you deposit your wine cup. Hand sanitizer will be available both before and after you receive communion.
12. Coffee and pre-packaged refreshments will be available after the service. Please remember social distancing restrictions when interacting during this fellowship time.