Dear Friends,
It has been a wild ride folks. I’m still having difficulty believing that our time serving you as a pastor is all but over. The manner with which it has finished is equally surprising; I would never have guessed that we would not have had some opportunity to greet you one last time coming out of the sanctuary. In some ways therefore, this is all a little disappointing. On the other hand, that is all that it is; just disappointing and nothing more. Expectations are always something that need to held lightly. One way or another we will find a way to meet one another again and give blessings to one another.
You should not be surprised if you do not see us for a couple of weeks. Elizabeth has surgery planned for July 2 and we will most likely be staying around the house for at least several weeks while she convalesces. So please don’t be alarmed when you don’t see us.
I believe that the most troubling news I offer comes from the regret I’ll experience in not giving Cheryl some conniption fits at the end of every month while she awaits my Bits and Pesis column. I want to thank her for the invaluable assistance she has been around the office. The congregation has a true gift in her and Elizabeth and I want her to know how important her skills and attitude have been in keeping the office running so smoothly especially through these last several months. Pat, too, has been extremely important around the office and the volunteer work she has accomplished with us has been crucial.
A number of very important tasks have been tackled and many, but not all, have been completed. The committees (both standing and ad hoc) that have accomplished this work have been made up of people from within the congregation eager to see Faith continue to be a witness within the Reno community. I want to thank all of the members of the church council, the Constitution committee, the worship team, the call committee, the property team and those working with the finances for the hard work they have done. There are a number of names I know I have failed to mention and I hope I will be forgiven. One name I cannot overlook is that of Betty Thompson. She has labored hard and long to bring to the congregation a budget format that has been new and unfamiliar. But she stuck to it and I believe we have something that works and is useful.
Finally, Elizabeth and I want you to know that we have come to love and appreciate you. Our relationship is now evolving into something else but it is not ending; we’ve just been through a phase of it. What has been there in the center from the beginning remains; the call of Christ Jesus to come into community to proclaim His love to the world. We look forward to an ongoing participation in that task.
The Lord watch between me (we!) and thee, while we are apart, one from the other.