“With humble thanks and so much joy, I’m grateful to have gotten here with all of you! As Luther writes in his explanation of the third article of the creed, “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in my Lord Jesus Christ or come to him, but the Holy Spirit has called me by the gospel, just as Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church.” And, that’s also how I’m here today! The journey unfolds; we walk the path before us; we look for signs and we keep trusting and changing. I have been welcomed into this church with love, and challenge, and with the call of the Holy Spirit, and I respond and say ‘Yes!’ and keep dreaming and traveling this pilgrim way.
Thank you for bearing that Spirit in our world and to my life! Thank you to Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. You all heard this call; and you’ve helped it reverberate further now! You have encouraged my ministry to youth and families. You have befriended and challenged me. You have opened me up to all things “Lutheran!” You have whole-heartedly supported my seminary journey… As the launching point of this part of my faith journey and vocation, I cannot say enough. Thank you to Lord of Mercy Lutheran Church, and the Internship Committee and Pastor Sarah. You all, too, have been generous and imaginative and worked hard to offer this seminarian another place to grow, learn and thrive. You are faithful and welcoming and have formed and en-couraged me. And, now, great thanks to Faith Lutheran Church, my pastorate. You all are inviting and supportive and we are already partners in ministry to the Truckee Meadows. I look forward to all our ministry together.
I have the best friends. From Texas evangelicals and ex-vangelicals; to Colorado co-conspirators; to California miners (of philosophy and theology); to those practicing the Way of Jesus with me in the Sierra Nevada, or the way of Emerson and Thoreau in the Truckee River Watershed––I love you and you bless my life! To seminary friends from Luther and from PLTS, now spread far and wide––you have surprised me with the good news of the gospel in and out of class! My parents, Pat and Donna, have listened and encouraged and shared wisdom and sup-ported me and my family, and through yet another graduate degree! I couldn’t have embarked on this journey without you—thank you Thank you to Maeve and Wynter, who inspire me and bring me deep joy and strength, light in the darkness.
The pastors of the Sierra Pacific Synod and all those attending camps at Mt. Cross have formed and enlightened me, chiefly the leaders of SPS Youth Committee. I’ve wanted to be like them when I grew up! And I thought I maybe could, through the endless nudging, encouragement, grace and love from Reno Lutheran friends and mentors.
Join me in giving thanks to God for the faithful Spirit that keeps calling us forward to Peace and All Good!”