Dear Friends,
I just took a look at last month’s column and had to chuckle. We’ve all now been sequestered in our various homes waiting out the effects of the corona virus.
When I wrote for the April newsletter I was still a little naive about how I was going to feel about this quarantine business after several weeks. Hmmm. I get to see some of you some of the time when those of you who can come by the church for the “drive-in” communion. But that is brief and the obvious separation between us (masks, gloves, etc) is in stark contrast to our usual practice when we commune together in the sanctuary.
At this point in time we still don’t really know when we can or should resume services at Faith. The council and I will be looking at what will be appropriate and not just legal. There are many in the congregation who are especially vulnerable and putting them at risk to make a point is unacceptable. So please bear with us as we address this situation as best we can and know that your welfare remains one of our chief concerns.
In the midst of all of this I wish you to know just how impressed I am with the manner in which you continue to support the ministry at Faith Lutheran. So often stewardship is experienced under some form of duress. It might be subtle. Or not. You, on the other hand, without any kind of reminders at all, continue on a weekly basis, to bring your gifts either as you come by the church or via the mail. You are sweet people. The staff and I thank you so much for your love.
And I wish to thank them. To Cheryl and Pat who continue to keep the office humming; to Eileen and her assistants who continue to ensure that food is available to those in need, to Karon, bringing music to our Zoom worship and to Sarah for her willingness to help bring us together through technology. You are marvelous people. Elizabeth and I are so fortunate to be among you. Peace, Stan