Identity. Person fixed to occupation. What when the occupation is taken from the person, or the person leaves the occupation? Does the person cease to exist? If I am what I do, and I don’t do, then does this mean I am not?
Relationship defines us, not occupation. Family is a life history of relationship. Sometimes sweet, sometime not so sweet, but it endures. Take a look at the obituaries. They include occupation, but they are rich in relationship.
What of more than the self? The whole person, the soul. Is this occupation? No, it is relationship. Relationship with church people? Maybe. This can be sweet, but sometimes not so sweet. How about a step deeper?
Relationship with God. With Jesus. With the Lord. With the one who calls us into being and graces us with life, even eternal life. BY what means? Grace. God’s grace. Poured out upon us in the waters of baptism. As Luther reminds us, it’s not only the water, but the water with the word.
And the word is a blessing. “You have been sealed with the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.
There. That settles it. Your identity is absolutely rooted in the one who created you, who sustains you, who will love you for all time and beyond all time!
Now, go to work. Go to your occupation, go to your family, and go to your pastime. But don’t go empty. Go as the creature of God’s creation. Claimed, named, saved and blessed.