Fire. The Carr fire. The Ferguson fire. The Whaleback fire. The Mendocino Complex fire. Were that not enough, there are more fires in Southern California. And there are fires here in Nevada. When I look out my window, I cannot see the mountains anymore. I see smoke. I breathe smoke. I am uneasy and a bit afraid. How can we be saved from fire?
I use fire; so do you. I have a barbecue on my porch that I put fire in. I have a vehicle; probably so do you. The engine runs on combustion caused by explosive fires that cause pistons to move. In many ways fire is our servant. We cannot do without it. Fire is both a threat and a servant. It may help us or harm us. How must we treat fire?
We must understand ourselves in relation to the power of fire. We must know our vulnerability! As we see video of the fires now burning we see the danger. We must be full aware of that danger and not dismiss it. We must be humble before the force of fire. At the same time we must know that fire is our servant. We are full aware of the threat that fire can cause and therefore we treat fire with enormous respect.
There is a common theme in this discussion. Not a theme of fire, but a theme of persons. The common theme is, as Socrates once said, “know thyself.” We know ourselves as creatures and not as powerful gods. Fire reminds us of who we are. We know ourselves to be servants. As servants we seek to use fire for our benefit. Fire reminds us of who we are.
Fire reminds us of who we are not! We are not invincible. We are not all-powerful. We are subject to weakness and pride. These are the attitudes beg us to undertake a religious attitude. We are people of need.
God comes to people need with God’s grace of forgiveness and love. When we receive these gifts we admit who we are. When we know ourselves to be the creatures of God’s creation, we accept proper responsibility as God intends. We live in the presence of God who creates us, who saves us, who remains with us, and we can do what we must, we can live with fire that can help or harm.